Gracie has been a total HAM as of late!! So I thought I'd share a few pics from the last few days. I've tried each time to take some of Grant but he is on his schedule for picture taking these days.I know my sister will totally comment on these though she has seen most of them. She swears I have m family trained. What can I say my kids love their picture being taken. Gracie right now is just in a total "me" stage. When she sees the camera she goes running, sits down and screams, ME ME ME. So I HAVE to take her picture!! It's a must. :)Showing off her new shoes!
Another cheesy grin!
A little more serious....wanting to show off her new outfit from Papa and Jan.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Some more pics...
Posted by Rhonda at 12:13 PM 2 comments
A few pics....
I've been taking alot of pictures as of late. Yesterday we got some Valentine's day stuff from Uncle Boo...and the pics show how much the kids loved their stuff. Greg and I loved our stuff as well but it's a little harder for us adults to show excitement in pics without looking totally goofy. So I just took a picture of the gifts wrapped... :)This was our gift from Boo. Candy, picture frames, photo album, craft goodies, and the wreath on top is actually made of ribbons from my mom's funeral arrangements.
Here are both kids getting ready to open...can you notice Gracie isn't to concerned she just want to open it...silly girl.
Grant showing off his new hat and gloves.
Grant showing off the bear and penguin they both got. Gracie was being stubborn about pictures so Grant took her bear and posed with it.
And this was a little bit later. Gracie getting even with Grant for taking her bear. She stole his sock hat that he hid in a "secret" place. Apparently not to safe though b.c she had the hat on her head a good 30 minutes before he realized it was missing....ha!!
We loved everything! Grant I don't think has put down the hat and gloves. He even slept with them last sweet!
Posted by Rhonda at 11:17 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 3, 2008
My dear Aunt Connie.....
We received word yesterday morning that my mom's sister, Connie, passed away. What a blow to the Eads family once again. My Mom just passed away on Mother's Day 07 and then to lose yet another member so soon after. My Aunt was younger then my mom at just 65 years young. She was a hoot. Anyone that knows the Eads side will know they are a bunch of comics. There is NEVER a dull moment when we get together. I have a ton of memories that involve my Aunt Connie and I wanted to share a few with you.
I'll never forget the time that she called down to our house and it was when my brother, Ran, still lived at home so that was forever ago. But my Aunt Connie called and said "hello Ran, It's your Aunt Connie". Ran simply replied, "I don't have an Aunt Connie". Well for anyone who knew my aunt the littlest thing got her all stressed out. Their conversation went on Aunt Connie swore to Ran that he DID have an Aunt Connie. I think he kept her going for 15 minutes before he finally gave in and handed the phone to my mom. Poor Aunt Connie!
Second I'll never forget when my mom came home from having surgery after discovering she had breast cancer. Aunt Connie called and said she was coming down to visit b/c she had something for my mom and she wanted to help with whatever needed done. Well my Aunt Connie showed up with roasting pans ( I believe 3-4) FULL of cookies. We bagged them up and had cookies to eat for months!! She called them her "worry cookies." From that day on whenever I saw her or mom was talking to her on the phone I always asked her if she wanted to "worry" about me she could. What a sweetheart.
And last but not least I have to brag on how wonderful she was to my children. She adored the kids. Everytime she came down she always brought them a coloring book or something. She always told my mom that Gracie reminded her of a porcelin doll. I spoke with my Aunt Vickie this morning and she said they found an envelope from my mother to Aunt Connie thanking her for some stuff and then tucked inside that letter were two pictures of Gracie. It brought tears to my eyes knowing that both my mom and Aunt Connie are in heaven together looking and watching down over my children and the rest of the family.
Aunt Connie will be greatly missed!! We love you Aunt Connie.
Posted by Rhonda at 12:02 PM 1 comments