Friday, April 30, 2010

Do you ever wish....

You could cram just a few more hours in the day or sign up for a personal assistant.

That really is how I've felt these last few weeks. For months now I've done Zumba 3 times a week for me. Then springtime hit us and with that comes sports, planting season, and always wanting to be outdoors. We are finishing up dance and starting up baseball for one soccer for another. We are still planting crops and then hubby has his love of golf. So busy is all we are right now.

I've got loads of pictures to put on here but when will I get that done..ummm not for awhile. Stories to tell..ya not happening either. Maybe someday soon.

I'm still hoping for a date with my husband that doesn't involve a banquet of any type. Just a nice night out for dinner and a movie.

28 hours in a day isn't bad isn't it?!