Thursday, June 16, 2011

It's been awhile...

Where does time go?! It's been since April since I last posted. I was going to start this blog post with how much fun I had on vacation, but then I realized that my last post was about vacation. See in March I took a trip to see my sister for her birthday. Alone with no husband or children. And the beginning of June I went on just a vacation with the husband and the children. So now all it looks like I do is vacation. :) Trust me it isn't....I wish...but it isn't.

Life has been busy...The kids got out of the school the last week of May, baseball started up mid-May, we finished dance with a recital at the beginning of May, and now the pool is open. Can we add another?!

My garden is yet to be planted. The weeds in my flowerbeds have yet to be pulled. And we have rain about every other day. UGH.

Planting season for our farm was a nightmare. It went well into June. But now everything is in the ground and now we wait for harvest season.

Picture blog is next......