Monday, April 9, 2012

A challenge of sorts.......

So my mind has been whirling around with Easter memories, trying to become organized (is that even possible), and thoughts of summer vacation are already trying to creep into my head. Whew. Makes me tired even thinking about it.

But with all of this comes another challenge. I'm challenging myself to clean out my pantry/freezers/and fridge. We may have some hodge podge dinners over the next few weeks but I really need to get some things cleaned out. Just the other day I pulled out of box of jello out of the pantry with an expiration date back in 2010. That gave me the idea. We really need to clean things out which in the end will also help with the whole clean eating/healthier eating goal I'm slowly adapting into our home.

So I'd like to challenge all of you to do the same! Busy open those doors and cook strictly from there. Now don't get me wrong I know over this period I'll still need the basic staples like milk, bread, fruits or veggies, but I'm sticking to basics until my cabinets are cleaned out!

Good Luck!