Monday, December 20, 2010

4 days.

WOW....Are you finished shopping? Do you have everything wrapped? Gifts sent to places they need to be? What about your holiday cooking and baking? I'm not sure about everyone else but time for me is getting away from me. I need about 10 more hours in the day. Tonight is chex mix and icing Christmas cookies and hopefully finishing Christmas cards and wrapping a few more things that I just "happened" to find. Breathe Rhonda, you must breathe. And really I'm not sure why I feel so scattered b/c this yr I'm actually ahead of the game...last yr I started wrapping on Christmas Eve and was up til 2. When I was little I can remember my parents wrapping until the wee hours it seemed. But this yr I've done better...but I really need to finish it up. I cringe when I go into my bedroom b/c I really have stuff everywhere. I'm not kidding it really looks like a tornado went through my bedroom. Laundry needs done and put away...oh I could list a million things "to do" but as we learned in church this past Sunday we need let it go. All those things we feel that MUST BE DONE can wait. You need to sit back and think about the real reason for the season.

Happy wrapping. :)