Monday, January 28, 2008

NKOTB I'm totally showing my age but HELLO....The New Kids on the Block are going back out on tour. How exciting is that!! I LOVED those guys when I was little. And of course I'm coming clean now b/c any family of mine that reads this will totally comment and rat me out. Yes i had the dolls, the sleeping bag, all the cassettes. If they had it out...I owned it. I'm not afraid to admit it. But I had best do it first. LOL my get me tickets to that tour!


Robin said...

Good thing you admitted all this stuff! You sure did love those guys! I remember you are being in the sleeping bag and having the dolls on your bed. Mom used to always tease you about them! :-)

Mama Celeste said...

You've got to be kidding! I find this sooooo hilarious :)
The first step is admitting an addiction. HA!