Monday, December 8, 2008

Presents under the tree and children DO NOT MIX!

So I've trying to be good and wrap a little bit each night just so I have a handle on what all I need, what is still missing etc. Well my great niece's present has no been re-wrapped twice and it's waiting to be wrapped again but b/c I'm sick of wrapping it it's gonna sit there until the

Grant jumped over the back of the couch onto my coffee table...Ok first off note that he shouldn't have been jumping over the back of the couch to begin with, secondly not directly on my coffee table. Making him step on the present and break the wrapping. Then he tears it a little more to make sure it's nothing for him.

Then Miss G helps herself to it the next night all b/c it's wrapped in Winnie the Pooh paper so she just assumes it's hers. The same night we wrapped gifts for their dad. Well tonight as I'm coming out of the laundry room Miss G is standing there looking at me all innocent. SHe mumbles something, grabs my hand and leads me to the living room. To show me......

THE PRESENT FOR HER DAD THAT SHE HAD UNWRAPPED!!! And then she picks it up and twirls around with it. What the heck! SO now that present has now been chucked into the closet until a later time.

Next year I'm wrapping empty boxes for under the tree. I HATE not having gifts under the tree.

Oh yeah and there still isn't a baby. I think that baby has decided it doesn't want Christmas gifts this year...hehe


Megan said...

Oh jeez, those kids. You can't blame them for being all excited about Christmas, but c'mon, stop making more work for poor Mommy! At least mine won't even know what the heck Christmas is yet, haha. I'll make sure we call once we know something from the doctor. Love you!